Taft Electric’s most valuable asset is its employees. No employee should risk injury or illness as a result of their employment. There is no higher priority at Taft than the safety of our people.
Our safety culture is at the highest level, working TOP DOWN. Meaning, from the President to the Apprentice we have complete accountability. Each employee taking ownership of the safety process. A safe workplace is management’s top priority. Utilizing an extensive safety training program with the best workforce available. Having an overall goal of zero injuries.
Utilizing dedicated Safety Officers to assist Supervisors as an extra set of eyes, looking after our employees. Providing quality project safety evaluations. Hands on training to our crews.
Awards & Accolades:
2009 No Lost Time Incidents: Awarded NECA Recognition of Achievement in Safety Excellence District 9
2014 Awarded Terry V. Perkins Memorial Safety Award IBEW/LA. NECA/LMCC
2016 No Recordable Incidents: Awarded NECA Recognition of Achievement of Zero Injury District 9
2016 No Recordable Incidents: Awarded NECA Recognition of Achievement in Safety Excellence District 9